The questions and responses below are provided for convenience only. They are not intended as a substitute for, or a complete summary of, the important disclosures provided in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) and Form ADV Part 2B (“Brochure Supplement”). Additionally, while similar in form to the Form CRS/ADV Part 3 (“Relationship Summary”) required of SEC-registered firms, Pinestar Capital Advisors is a state-registered investment advisor and this FAQ section is not intended to meet the disclosure requirements of the Form CRS/ADV Part 3 or otherwise imply that the firm is SEC-registered.
Clients and prospective clients are always encouraged to Contact Us with any questions.
Our principal advisory offering is bespoke asset management (i.e., providing clients with highly customized, multi-asset class, long-term portfolio management). We consult with you to develop an investment strategy that is tailored to your specific investment objectives, philosophy and financial circumstances. We then provide you with ongoing supervision and/or management of your portfolio assets in accordance with your personalized strategy, the investment discretion level you authorize, and any other mutually agreed upon investment parameters or restrictions.
For more information about our asset management services, please see Item 4 – Advisory Business in the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”).
While personalized portfolio management is the primary investment advisory service of PCA, we also offer modular financial planning and other investment consulting services.
A modular financial plan is a limited financial plan, report or analysis which provides our advice solely on specific financial and/or investment topics as requested by you, and mutually agreed upon by both you and PCA. We generally do not offer comprehensive wealth and financial planning services. We believe such holistic financial services are best provided by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) or similarly-designated professional (which we are not). PCA specializes in portfolio construction advice, multi-asset allocation strategies, macro-investing and modern portfolio theory, due diligence on individual investments, and other topics pertaining to long-term investment management.
In situations where you may not need a written modular financial plan, but instead seek our advice and/or recommendations on certain investment-related matters, either on a “one-time” or “as-needed” basis, we offer our investment consulting services. Such matters may include, but are not limited to:
— individualized financial and investment education;
— requests to research specific investment opportunities;
— advice and due diligence on significant financial or business transactions;
— investment portfolio review; and
— consultations on estate planning matters, divorce or charitable activities relating to investments.
For more information about PCA’s modular financial planning and/or investment consulting services, please see Item 4 – Advisory Business in the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”).
We are an independent, fee-only investment advisory firm. That means we do not charge fees on a per transaction basis (e.g., commissions on trades). Additionally, as an independent firm, we are not compensated, directly or indirectly, on the basis of recommending to you any particular investment product (e.g., commissions when you invest in a specific mutual fund family).
For asset management services, we charge fees based on a percentage of assets under management at the end of each calendar quarter. Our fees are charged in arrears (at the end of the quarterly billing period) and calculated based on the fair market value of your assets under management as of the last business day of each quarterly billing period. For accounts opened or closed at any time other than the beginning of a billing period, our fees are prorated based on the number of days service is provided during the partial billing period.
Asset management fees are charged according to a blended fee schedule.
In certain circumstances, our asset management fees are negotiable based on the type of client, the complexity of the client's situation, the composition of the client's accounts (i.e., total number of positions and the ratio of equities versus mutual funds and ETFs), the potential for additional account deposits, the relationship of the client with the investment adviser representative, the total amount of assets under management for the client and other unique circumstances.
For more information and additional disclosures about the fees we charge for asset management services, please see Item 5 – Fees and Compensation in the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) or visit Our Fees webpage.
Fees charged for modular financial planning and investment consulting services vary based on the type of client, the complexity of the client's situation, the relationship of the client with the investment adviser representative, whether the client has separately engaged, or intends to engage, Pinestar Capital Advisors for asset management services, and other unique circumstances.
Depending on the nature of the engagement, we charge either a fixed fee or provide advisory services under an hourly fee arrangement. Our hourly fee is $225/hour as of October 2022.
For more information and additional disclosures about the fees we charge for modular financial planning and investment consulting services, please see Item 5 – Fees and Compensation in the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) or visit Our Fees webpage.
Yes; we serve as a fiduciary to clients, as defined under the applicable laws and regulations. As a fiduciary, we are required to uphold a duty of loyalty, fairness and good faith towards each client and seek to disclose and mitigate potential conflicts of interest. The standard of conduct required is higher than ordinarily required and encountered in commercial business.
Pinestar Capital Advisors has established a Code of Ethics to comply with the requirements of the securities laws and regulations that reflects its fiduciary obligations and those of its supervised persons. The Code of Ethics also requires compliance with federal securities laws.
Please see Item 11 – Code of Ethics, Participation in Client Transactions and Personal Trading in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) for additional disclosures regarding our fiduciary obligation to clients.
We seek to identify, disclose and mitigate conflicts of interests with our clients. Such conflicts may arise in different circumstances, depending on the client, the particular service or services they seek or obtain, and the client’s relationship with their investment advisor representative. As such, it is difficult to summarize all possible conflicts which may arise. Nonetheless, both before and during any engagement with a client, we always strive to disclose and mitigate any conflicts that may be present.
As an example, a common conflict of interest arises from the way our firm makes money. For asset management services, the more assets you have in your advisory account, the more you will pay. We therefore have an incentive to increase the amount of your assets under management in order to increase our fees. This conflict is especially important in the context of making IRA rollover recommendations. Regardless of any interests we may have, we must always apply an impartial conduct standard that puts a client’s best interests first. For hourly-fee financial planning and investment consulting arrangements, we have an incentive for you to agree to have us complete more work for you, as each additional hour we spend working for you will increase our fees.
Another conflict of interest arises from when your investment advisor representative manages their personal accounts at the same time that Pinestar Capital Advisors manages client accounts. Thus, it is the express policy of Pinestar Capital Advisors that all persons associated in any manner with our firm must place clients’ interests ahead of their own when implementing personal investments.
Other conflicts of interest may arise, such as Pinestar Capital Advisors obtaining “soft-dollar” benefits (e.g., research, administrative software and other non-cash benefits) as a result of having client assets held at a particular qualified custodian, or conflicts of interests in the allocation of investment opportunities among clients.
Please review Pinestar Capital Advisors’ entire Form ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”), and particularly Items 4, 5, 11 and 12, for additional disclosures and discussion of the conflicts of interests we may have. Additionally, clients and prospective clients are always encouraged to Contact Us with any questions.
We do not, and legally and logically cannot, make any investment performance guarantees. Because of the inherent risk of loss associated with investing, our firm is unable to represent, guarantee, or even imply that our services and methods of analysis can or will predict future results, successfully identify market tops or bottoms, or insulate you from losses due to market corrections or declines.
Please carefully review Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”).
Before we begin an asset management engagement, we will work with you on a one-on-one basis through interviews and questionnaires to determine your investment objectives, financial situation, investment philosophy and suitability information. This information will be used to design an investment strategy tailored to your specific needs. Depending on your personal circumstances, we may employ one or more investment strategies on your behalf. These strategies may include valuing investing, growth investing, tactical asset allocation, strategic asset allocation and both short- and long-term purchases.
As a macro-oriented firm, the methods of investment analysis we primarily use are fundamental and cyclical. However, we may also consider technical aspects or any other information or method of analysis that we consider to be relevant when making recommendations to clients.
You will have the ability to set reasonable investment parameters and restrictions on investments based on social, environmental and governance factors. Most of our client accounts are managed on a discretionary basis, which means we have the authority to determine the type and amount of securities that can be bought or sold for your portfolio without obtaining your consent for each transaction. However, we also offer clients the option of having their accounts managed on a non-discretionary basis, which means we are required to contact the client prior to implementing transactions.
Please note, this FAQ answer is a highly abbreviated response. For more important information and disclosures about how your assets will be managed, the risk of loss and other information pertaining to the administration of your account, please see Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss, Item 12 – Brokerage Practices, Item 13 – Review of Accounts and Item 16 – Investment Discretion in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”). You are also encouraged to Contact Us directly with any questions you may have.
In our view, there is no universal answer to this question. Each person’s financial situation, investment objectives, investment time horizon, needs and goals are different. For some experienced investors, with plenty of time and an inclination to take a proactive approach to their investments, it may not be worth it to partner with an investment advisor. Similarly, for some investors just beginning their investment journey, it may not be worth the cost of professional help relative to the size of their portfolio – especially with the increasing availability and convenience of decent, low cost “robo” advisors.
Yet for other investors, who may be between those two ends of the spectrum, they may find considerable value in partnering with a professional investment advisor. We care deeply about our clients’ hard-earned investments, and consistently dedicate the vast majority of our time analyzing the best path forward for each client. In each case, the conclusion about whether it is worth it to hire an investment advisor is solely the client’s to make. However, should you choose to work with Pinestar Capital Advisors, we will work hard to make the answer a resounding “yes!”
Depending on your investment objectives, portfolio size and the individualized investment strategy developed for you, Pinestar Capital Advisors may recommend any, or a combination of, the following types of investments:
• Mutual Funds
• Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
• Exchange-listed Securities (e.g., Individual stocks, REITs, CEFs, UITs, MLPs)
• Bonds and/or Bond Funds (Corporate Debt Securities, Municipal Securities, US Government Securities)
• Cash and Cash Equivalents (Certificates of Deposit, Money Market Funds, U.S. Treasury Bills)
• Precious Metals
• Securities Traded Over-the-Counter
Please see Item 4 – Advisory Business and Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss in the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) for additional information regarding the investments, methods of security analysis and investment strategies we may deploy on a client’s behalf. It is important to note that not all asset classes or investment types are suitable or appropriate for every investor.
No; neither the firm nor its sole investment advisor representative (Mr. Bowers) have been the subject of any legal or disciplinary action.
This disclosure may also be seen in Item 9 – Disciplinary History of the firm’s From ADV Part 2A (“Disclosure Brochure”) and in the Form ADV Part 2B (“Brochure Supplement”) for Mr. Bowers. You are further encouraged to visit https://www.investor.gov/ for a free and simple search tool to independently research our firm and financial professionals.
Alex Bowers is the firm’s Managing Member, Lead Advisor and Chief Compliance Officer. He is responsible for all investment decisions and recommendations of the firm. Please refer to Form ADV Part 2B (“Brochure Supplement”) for the education and business background of Mr. Bowers or visit his Bio Page on this website. You are always welcome to Contact Us to speak with him directly.
You may independently research Mr. Bowers on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/ by searching for Alexander Bowers or his individual CRD number 6264572.
As a state-registered investment advisor with its principal place of business in Oregon, Pinestar Capital Advisors does not market its services to residents of other states. However, we may be able to provide advisory services to you if we, in the preceding twelve months, have had fewer than six clients located in your state of residence (i.e., meet a de minimis exemption), or unless we become registered in your state of residence prior to providing you any advisory services.
The de minimis exemption is not available to residents of Louisiana, Nebraska, New Hampshire or Texas.